Composition and kitchen design ideas

Kitchen - design ideas

Are You design your kitchen?

A kitchen is the headquarters of the family.Cuisine is often the incorporated the home, however, need to work well for a wide variety of tareas.Una well equipped kitchen, beautifully dressed will give a sensation of well-being and a favorite place in the hogar.Cuando plan your new kitchen, keep in mind the utility and the factor of the gaze.

Ideas design kitchen - choose which suits best!

Think about ideas for your kitchen design, might consider a part of the kitchen at a time or collect a complete theme.A complete theme could be something as well as a design based on Feng Shui, that incorporates all its principios.El art placement refers to feng shui and could help you to organize your kitchen in a way that enhances their good energy. For example, according to Feng shui, back of the chef should never face kitchen entrance which must therefore design

Now for the other way, it might choose a look especially for the kitchen floor, walls, etc. stored, you can do this in several ways, depending on the amount of money you are willing to spend, Laity cuisine and taste. Here are some ideas for your kitchen - specific design

* Kitchen floor ground choice is important and you will set the tone of the kitchen all.The textural quality of speaking always appealed to the eyes and have a radical effect on how one perceives the room as a whole. For kitchens, where the two most elegant floors are tiles / stones and laminate or hardwood floors. Ceramic tiles are a product of premium for a kitchen and an impressive upgrade on any other ground.The only downside is the fría.Sin feeling however if desired can also opt for a word in the heating system.

* Kitchen worktops - choosing your countertop, select a color and texture that compliment the selection of joinery, floor or painting. Don't be afraid in the combination of two or more materials encimera.Cortesía colors and textures in the adjacent surfaces created interest visual.También remember that worth selecting a material, which shall withstand years of use without special maintenance requirements and is easily repairable should happen an accidente.Granito and marble are strong choices.

* Kitchen lighting - maybe that has a large roof subject, equipped with fluorescent tubes efficient energy which provide great lighting generally well - diffused.However may stop working on his own shadow on the sink, variety and countertops.These areas in their kitchen require lighting task adicionales.También place your Windows is a sensitive issue.

Kitchen - design

The perfect arrangement

The kitchen design is very subjective, so a design that could be perfect for one may be disastrous for the other.This is mainly due to forms of people in terms of style, work habits and tastes are considerably diferentes.Por therefore, kitchen designs should be according to the needs and specifications of the primary user of the space, which have specific ideas about how you would like your workspace for ser.Pero apart from the subjective perspective, there are certain steps to be followed when designing your plan kitchen or design. the following are the stages -

Stages of kitchen design

Follow these simple steps to get your kitchen space rightly used with a desirable look-

1 Measure cuisine in detail, the position of doors, window, electrical points, drains and sinks etc.

2 Delimit areas of cuisine in three - Storage, cooking and limpiar.Vaya of planning space, taking into account these three aspects.

3 Make a list of devices that are likely to use in the kitchen and provide space for them according to their dimensions.

Consider these three points, and then design your kitchen in a style which is adjusted according to your gusto.Siguientes are some designs of stereotypical kitchen used - design

Design design kitchen - types of

These are basic 4 are generally followed while designing a kitchen - kitchen designs

1 Corridor design - this is intended for a narrow kitchen, where there are two rows enfrentadas.Uno for storage and one for cleaning and cooking. ensure that there is a minimum space of 1,200 mm between the two rows.

2. The L shaped design - this is a design, where rows are diagonal one on the other, thus forming a form of L.Este mode Gets the kitchen workspace in the corner, giving much space free to move.

3 Or in the form of design - this is also the best choice for kitchens, small and comfortable.

4 Design - this one on the other hand is intended for large cocinas.Aquí kitchen total burners is a different box while the form L row is designed so that the end of sink and storage.

These are the different ways that you can plan the design of your kitchen and also changes and alterations in accordance with your preferences.

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