Call Center Office Stories You Want To Check Out

Workforce Management Software Group (WFMSG), fresh off exhibiting at the Software for Planning Professionals (SWPP) annual conference last week, and Cooordinated Systems, Inc. (CSI) are two call center technology firms who both have accomplished much in their respective spaces. Call center career advice is  now working together to deliver an incredibly mature workforce management solution, Virtual Observer Community WFM.

Coordinated Systems, Inc. (CSI), a veteran-owned technology company, was started in 1972 and continues to thrive, innovate and disrupt the contact center space with their bundled, scalable workforce optimization solution, Virtual Observer (VO).

Back In 1995, WFMSG launched their first consultancy, which was dedicated exclusively to WFM systems and practices. They offered a wide range of services, including acquisition support, deployment, and optimization services across all product lines. WFMSG was a recognized “Best Practices” leader and they were also regarded as highly reputable industry speakers.

The result of their strategic partnership, Virtual Observer Community WFM boasts a very easy-to-use and sophisticated user interface and is deeply integrated within the Virtual Observer (VO) workforce optimization. “We’re bringing an array of integrated features which differentiate us from less mature workforce management (wfm) applications in the marketplace with the call center office setup. From right in the main VO interface, a supervisor can glance at agent adherence levels, make scheduling inquiries, view forecasts and more. From within our Agent Portal, agents can view their schedules, request shift swaps and more. The VO Community WFM solution offers the most robust set of wfm features on the market – and they’re all bundled together in the core workforce management package,” added Marcia. “The strength and maturity of the integrated VO Community WFM solution is a direct result of the combined histories and hard work of both CSI and WFMSG.”

I just wanted to check in and let you know how things are with me.

I am still at the job I left the call center for. It is the nicest place that I have ever worked.
The president of the company is a good guy that communicates well, he makes people feel
they are a part of a team, and not cogs in a machine. I feel appreciated and I have seen raises
and even a bonus. I was right that there are better places out there.

Don't get me wrong, it's not perfect. There are the general corporate culture issues that you
can find anywhere, but its nothing like I experienced at the call center. Good people trying
to treat their workers well do exist.

I have been wanting to blog again, so I have started another blog called Beatnik For Jesus.
Its not a purely religious blog, I just really like the name. Unitarian Universalists, Athiests and
Pagans are welcome to drop by anytime. I'll be blogging about multiple subjects.

Just a note for those of you that leave spam cleverly disguised as comments with
a link embedded, or a user name that goes to your website, stop being lame.

I will not print your comments, if you want a link, send me an email and we can
talk advertising prices...

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